Day Trips From Prague

There’s plenty to discover beyond Prague—the Czech Republic’s smaller towns have a charm that’s hard to find in the country’s biggest city. From UNESCO-listed spa towns to medieval castles and historic villages, these day trips offer an escape from the crowds that descend on the capital.

One of the best day trips from Prague is a visit to Karlstejn Castle, a 14th-century castle that’s filled with works of art and history. This destination is popular enough that you can take a tour that includes transport and entrance fees—some tours also include visits to other sites like Hluboka Castle or Ceske Budejovice.

Exploring Beyond Prague: Memorable Day Trips in the Czech Republic

Another top choice is Cesky Krumlov, Day trips to Prague Czech Republic that looks like it was plucked straight from a fairy tale, cliches be damned. The medieval town is encircled by a river and its castle perches above the gorgeous streets. The town is dotted with theaters, taverns with terraces, and museums.

For a more recent part of Czech history, ride the bus to Terezin, where you’ll see the walled town that was used as a ghetto during World War II. The walls were designed to keep Prussians out but were later used by Hitler’s forces to keep Jews in.

For a day trip that’s a bit more active, try hiking in the Czech mountains, which are easy to access from the city. There are lots of trails to choose from, but my favorite is the hike that starts at Petrov u Prahi train station. The trail is moderate and includes some up-and-down segments. It should take 2.5-3 hours to complete.

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